Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Effective Technology Integration for 21st Century Learners


Again I am sitting here working on my blog after learning a great deal about presentations. Our topic this week was what is effective technology integration for 21st century learners. For me there are a few main points in effective technology integration. They are appropriate technology use, technology that is easy to use, using technology to enhance learning, using a variety of techniques and using technology that is engaging and that supports curriculum
            Appropriate technology use is important in effective technology integration. Teachers must make sure that is appropriate for the students to use. It would not be appropriate to get a grade one student to use a blog. This is something that they are not familiar with and do not have the skills to use. It would not be beneficial or appropriate for them to use. It would be more appropriate to have a grade eleven class use a blog. This is something that the students have the skills to master.
            For technology integration to be effective it has to be easy to use. If it is not easy to use or easy to figure out students will get frustrated and not want to try. This is different than before. 21st century learners are much more technology literate and have the skills to be able to figure new technology out. It must also not be too easy. If technology is too easy to use the students will also not want to try.
Effective technology integration is using technology to enhance student learning. It is important because when we are integrating technology we as teachers must make sure that the students will get something out of it. If the students can do something with a pen and paper why make them use technology. When integrating technology there must be a purpose. We cannot use technology just to use technology.
For technology integration to be effective it has to be engaging. 21st century learners are used to a variety of technology. They are continually bombarded by it. For it to be effective in a class teachers must come up with new ways to keep the students engaged. This means that a teacher cannot use the same technique over and over again for every assignment. If a teacher has their students do PowerPoint over and over again they will get board with this and it will not be an effective use of technology.
A fifth way for technology integration to be effective is if the technology supports curriculum.  There is a lot a teacher must convey to students and to effectively integrate technology they must support the curriculum. Students may become more engaged with the material that is being presented if they are able to use technology. 21st century learners like to use technology. They will learn more if they are able to use what they like and what they know to enhance what they have to learn.
To go along with this post part of our assignment was to create a presentation based on what is effective technology integration. So here is a link to my PowerPoint. Hope you enjoy!           

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My First Post

Welcome! My name is Jessica and this is my first post on my first blog. I am a fourth year student taking a combined Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education with my major in General Science.

Before starting this class I barely even knew what a blog was and had not even thought of the possibilities of using one in a classroom. After reading the 21st Century Skills website and the ICT outcomes I have come to realize how critical being able to integrate technology in a classroom is. On the Learn NC site it outlined some easy ways that blogs can be used in a classroom. As a teacher we can use a blog like an online syllabus where students and parents can access the blog to see where the class is. The teacher can also post links on this site for students to check out. By posting links that direct students to other web pages the students will have to critically evaluate the sources. The students will also be able to respond to a post with questions that they may have and communicate with other students in the class if they are having problems. All of these uses of a blog correspond to achieving specific outcomes like the C1, C3, C6, F4, P4, and P6 that are outlined in the ICT curriculum.  By exploring the uses of a blog I have come to see the many benefits of using a blog in a classroom setting.